

WM’s Promotion

It is with great honour that our current WM received an active rank of Provincial Grand Steward at the March PGL meeting. Click here for details.

Ladies Festival 2023

There will be a Sibelius Lodge Ladies festival on the 28th October. More details to follow soon!

January 2023

Sibelius will be raising one of it’s members at our oft enjoyed “Burns Night” meeting, complete with Address to the Haggis, Piper, Ribs of Beef and much more.

March 2023

Our new Worshipful Master (W. Bro. Bernie Smith) was installed into the Chair of King Solomon following a great Installation Ceremony.

April 2023

Saturday 1st April our Bro. John Bennett will be Passed to the Degree of a Fellowcraft by St. Michael’s Lodge in Orset. Please support him if you are able to do so.